Our. Road To. Recovery Day 29
First I'd like to thank my Oak Brook Family, parents, students, and faculty, for all of the incredible support through the wonderful cards, meals, gift cards, donations, and your continued thoughts and prayers. It is through all of your love and generosity that has helped us to make it through each day. I especially want to thank the third grade classes, Mrs. Gianino, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Wolf, and Mrs. Bates, for their creativity and kind words that were expressed in their get well cards that brought a smile to my wife's face. Thank you so much.
Last night Karen's blood test showed that her potassium level was very high so they had to give her a bunch of medicine to counteract her high levels. They had to get the potassium level down because it effect the rhythm of her heart.
They monitored her level throughout the night and were able to bring it back down.
They monitored her level throughout the night and were able to bring it back down.
Physical therapy went very well this morning. She is up to thirty minutes now on the treadmill with only three resting times.
Karen has been off of the ventilator now for a total of 14 hours. She still struggles with her confidence a lot gasping for air when she is awake, but is absolutely relaxed when she is asleep. Karen is starting to get some discolored mucus, so they took a sputum culture to make sure there is no infection. She is getting a lot of secretions that is causing her to gag and throw up when she tries to cough them up. Besides her back hurting her a lot, her stomach is really hurting her and making her nauseous. She is taking so much medication, and some of it is extremely hard on the stomach like the anti- rejection meds, that she doesn't want to eat which is making her stomach hurt even more and giving her heartburn. I am trying everything I can think of to try and get her to eat. Putting the meds in her empty stomach becomes a viscous cycle. I know her stomach does hurt, but she has to force herself to eat.
They say it's common for people to lose their appetite. I guess I kept thinking once her lungs became stronger everything else would just fall into place. Right now her lungs are waiting for everything else to work itself out.